
November 13, 2011

Happy Birthday To Me

My body ached as I rolled over this morning.  30 years old today and this is how I feel?  Not a great sign.  I rolled out my mat.  My body creaking as I bent over.  My hamstrings resisted bending over with straight legs.

Surya Namaskr A was slow and methodical.  My lower back was tight and I moved carefully so as not to hurt myself.  Surya Namaskr B was tough.  I had to catch my breath a couple of times at the top of each salutation before I could continue.  By the time I reached Trikonasana I was starting to feel like myself - the young, sprite 29 year old I was yesterday.  I finished my practice strong and with much gratitude that I have found my yoga practice.

I am 30 today and I feel the best I've ever felt in my entire life.

1 comment:

Elisa said...

Happy birthday! I had my 30th earlier this year. It definitely feels like a milestone, though I haven't yet figured out just what it marks...