
January 2, 2012

A Few Things

This morning my mum came and tried Ashtanga yoga for the first time.  She bought a three month pass.  As we're driving home, I asked her if she was done with Bikram yoga.  No, we'll see, she said.  I can really do whatever I want, can't I?  How right you are, Mum.  We can do whatever the hell we want because it truly is all up to us.

Another kind of significant thing I did this morning was put my first payment down on a yoga teacher training program!  I finally really feel 110% positive about wanting to do this.  I am going to be learning from Jeff and Harmony at Ashtanga Yoga Victoria and I am so excited!  It's a modular course, so it will be every other weekend, which will allow me to work as well.  This is just the beginning of a life long practice.

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